Week 7: Trick Yourself
Half the battle happens in your head. This week, you’ll practice the mental strength you’ll need to push through.
What to Expect:
The third lap of a mile race is often the hardest because you’re working hard but you aren’t close enough to smell home. This week we enter into this metaphorical “third lap” of the buildup. One tool to overcome this is to trick yourself into thinking you are in the last lap.
This week, let’s pretend like we are in the homestretch, because in a way we are. You only have this week and next week of hard training remaining, and then we begin to back off and freshen up for your race. This tool can be used in racing as well, simply by repeating the word “homestretch” over and over again in your mind even if you are not quite there yet.
Homestretch, homestretch, homestretch,
Week 7: Trick Yourself
Half the battle happens in your head. This week, you’ll practice the mental strength you’ll need to push through.
What to Expect:
The third lap of a mile race is often the hardest because you’re working hard but you aren’t close enough to smell home. This week we enter into this metaphorical “third lap” of the buildup. One tool to overcome this is to trick yourself into thinking you are in the last lap.
This week, let’s pretend like we are in the homestretch, because in a way we are. You only have this week and next week of hard training remaining, and then we begin to back off and freshen up for your race. This tool can be used in racing as well, simply by repeating the word “homestretch” over and over again in your mind even if you are not quite there yet.
Homestretch, homestretch, homestretch,
7-mile easy
16 oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Sport 30 minutes before workout
8-mile easy run plus drills and 6 by 100-meter strides at 90% max sprint speed.
16 oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Sport 30 minutes before workout
17-mile fun long run.
16 oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Sport 30 minutes before workout
16 oz water + 1 serving of Nuun Endurance during workout
Ryan says:
The goal today is enjoyment. Do whatever you need to do (run with people, run in a beautiful place, run slow, run fast, run moderate) to enjoy today’s run as much as possible. With that said, you are going to want to leave a little something extra in your legs today as you have a big threshold coming up on Day 6.
7-mile easy run.
16 oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Sport 30 minutes before workout
8-mile easy run plus drills and 6 by 100-meter strides at 90% max sprint speed.
16 oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Sport 30 minutes before workout
15-minute warmup then drills and 6 by 100-meter strides at 90% max sprint speed. Then a 9-mile threshold at goal half marathon pace. Then a 15-minute cool down.
16 oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Sport 30 minutes before workout
16 oz water + 1 serving of Nuun Endurance during workout
Ryan says:
Today, practice taking one mile at a time. Stay present in the mile you are currently running, and you will surprise yourself with what you are able to do. The most important mental training takes place in the middle of hard workouts. These are our opportunities to improve our thought life.
Be aware of what you are thinking when the going gets tough today and ask yourself this question: “is this thought helpful?” If the answer is “no” then choose a different thought. Remember, it is not thinking a negative thought that is detrimental to performance, it is when you start believing and partnering with a negative thought that performance begins to suffer. We might not be able to control every thought that goes through our minds, but we can control what we do with those thoughts.
Rest Day
4-6oz water + 1 tab of Nuun Rest before bed to support muscle recovery
Rock Your Run
We’ve asked a few inspiring athletes to share their favorite songs for hitting the pavement. Tune in every week for a brand new playlist to keep you muuving and motivated!
Set Goals and Stay on Track
Our shareable progress tracker helps you stay connected and accountable. The Muuv With Nuun crew is behind you all the way!
Rock Your Run
We’ve asked a few inspiring athletes to share their favorite songs for hitting the pavement. Tune in every week for a brand new playlist to keep you muuving and motivated!
Set Goals and Stay on Track
Our shareable progress tracker helps you stay connected and accountable. The Muuv With Nuun crew is behind you all the way!