Guess what--the little stresses of everyday life take a serious toll on our bodies…and especially on our immune systems. Dehydration, lack of dietary nutrients, lack of sleep and stress (mental and physical) are all examples of ways that our immune systems can become weakened and vulnerable. A healthy immune system is absolutely essential for overall wellness…yet the inner workings of our immune defenses are a total mystery to most.
As a quick crash course: our immune systems are a network of cells, tissues and organs that fight back against invaders like viruses, bacteria and germs. Proactive maintenance of our immune systems is a daily practice and requires much more than just Vitamin C and antioxidants. Consider the ways that you keep yourself physically fit: it requires daily practice and effort. Similarly, we can keep our immune systems “fit” every day (not just during cold and flu season) through consistent and holistic upkeep.
In this article, we will demystify the functions of immune system health and discuss 3 simple daily habits to boost your immune system naturally.