Get to Know Steph Corker!

In our Question and Answer blogs, Nuun athletes introduce themselves to the Nuuniverse and (in their own words) dig a little deeper into their life as an athlete, muuver, and human!
+ Name/ Location/ Sport
Steph Corker/ Vancouver, BC Canada, eh!/ Triathlon
+ Can you tell us what drew you to your sport in the first place, and what drew you to this level of performance?
I was incredibly fascinated by the distance of an Ironman and once had a goal to complete my first IM at the age of 60 – truly believing that it would take me a lifetime to get there. Gratefully, it hasn’t taken me that long and instead I’ve spent the better part of the last 10years racing mostly iron-distance triathlons. I especially love them because they are very hard for me and not one of the sports comes naturally nor easily; it’s a constant lesson in finding joy in doing hard things. I decided to take my pro card in 2017 in the name of “you only live once – go for it!”. What keeps me chasing here is the desire to uncover what’s possible and also my insatiable thirst for gender equality in our sport.
+ When you’re not _______, what’s your second favorite form of muuvment?
When I’m not swim/bike/running, I love chasing adventure on the trails up mountains in the summer time or skate-skiing in the winter.
+ You Just finished a killer workout, what’s the first thing you’re grabbing from your fridge?
Definitely a protein shake with as many things from the fridge as possible!
+ Early Bird or Afternuun Owl? Are you most likely to plan your workout in the morning or evening? Walk us through a day in your life.
Early! Bird! I think the sunrise is a calling for sweat. I usually try to log one if not two workouts relatively close together in the morning. I head to the office for 10AM and try to wrap up my day in time for an afternoon session or dinner prep. Admittedly, I’m pretty tired after dinner and the day usually ends quite promptly thereafter;) Notable mention: I always prep my morning nuun bottles the night before and keep them in the fridge. While making dinner, I will get my evening nuun bottle ready too. Always nuun-prepared!
+What’s your favorite flavor & way to consume nuun?
Oh ma gawsh – Kona Kola was my first introduction and most definitely love of nuun, if you wanna go way-back. However, it’s hard not to love all of the incredible new flavours and products that are being created these days. Strawberry caffeine is my morning workout go-to and definitely is along for all long rides; the rest formula is a definite evening staple.
+ If we’re talking big dreams, how do you want to be remembered in your sport?
Ahh, for finding a way! A way to run a business that is so important to me, to chase start lines around the world, to toe the line with the best in class!
I’m also very passionate about fighting the gender-parity conversation and if I can be apart of the group of people who helep change the inequality In sport, I’d be so thrilled.
+ What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome – mental or physical?
Brain/ body image/ not a natural athlete but an incredibly enthusiastic one. Until I sucked…then, heck, that sucked too!
+ Race Wise: What are you most looking forward to this year?
2019 was off to a bit of a bumpy start. I had my first 50km loppett in Whistler, BC on the books, my first Boston marathon and a 3day gravel stage race in Bend, OR. Shortly thereafter I needed to have abdominal surgery which has me sidelined for recovery. It’s been a lesson in many things that racing is not: patience, patience and more patience. I definitely have my heart set on some late-season start lines, pending I can find some fitness in time!