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Nuuntini: Moscow Mule

So you’ve just finished a tough ride/run and you’re ready to chill out & cool down with a drink in hand. This Nuuntini, my take on a moscow mule, will provide a little rehydration, and seriously class up your down time.

By Emma Kesler,
Online Marketing Manager and Resident Mixologist

A moscow mule is delightful in any chilled glass, but I highly recommend drinking it from the traditional copper mug. Apart from the stunning and timeless presentation, copper mugs can actually improve the taste of a cocktail! Copper mugs chill quickly, and will insulate their cold contents. Your drink will stay extra-cool, and tingle icily against your lips. Some even claim that when vodka touches the walls of the mug, the copper begins to oxidize, enhancing the taste and aroma of the vodka. Cold copper will also increase the amount of bubbles in carbonated ginger beer, making a moscow mule even fizzier.


  • 4 oz vodka
  • 1 tablet Nuun Sport Lemon Lime
  • 12-16 oz ginger beer (I used Bundaberg)
  • Ice cubes
  • Mint sprigs and/or lime wedges for garnishing

Makes 2 servings

Prep work

The colder each component gets, the better this cocktail will taste. I recommend putting your serving glasses and vodka in the freezer for a couple hours, and chilling your ginger beer in the fridge.


  • Pour vodka into separate glass. Break your Nuun tablet up into several pieces (grinding into a powder is best), and drop into vodka. Allow 5-10 minutes to dissolve, swirling occasionally.
  • Fill serving glasses with ice cubes.
  • Pour even amounts vodka-Nuun mixture over the ice in each serving glass.
  • Pour in ginger beer until glasses are a little more than 3/4 full.
  • Stir, and garnish with a mint sprig and/or lime wedge if desired.
  • Enjoy!

Our friends over at Drinkware Essentials provided the gorgeous copper mugs for this shoot.

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