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Preparing for Warm Weather Hydration

Beat the heat with better hydration and these delicious recipes!

The heat of the summer season is finally upon us, and whether you’re spending your days in the backyard, the back country, or the beach the summer sunshine will take a toll on your hydration. Sweating, whether it’s from a jog around the neighborhood or sitting outside for a sweltering picnic, depletes your body of fluids, minerals, and electrolytes. Keep dehydration at bay this summer with our five warm weather hydration tips and two ultra-hydrating recipes. 

Plan Ahead:

Going somewhere? Even if you’re just taking the kids to the park or mowing the lawn on a Saturday morning, before you leave the house you should always ask yourself: do I have enough water? The best way to stay on top of your hydration throughout the day is to have hydration on hand, always. Pack a large reusable water bottle with you every time you leave the house (pack two if you know you’ll be out all day or might not have access to a refill source). If you have little ones make sure you’ve got water enough for them as well. Nothing ruins a trip to the zoo like a dehydrated, cranky kiddo. This brings us to our second point:      

Know the Signs:

Take time to pay attention to your body. If you’re feeling thirsty that means you’re already dehydrated. Urine color is also an excellent indicator of hydration (it should be a pale yellow). This blog post covers the other signs of dehydration and if you have children be sure you’re watching their behavior for these signs of dehydration.

Protect Your Skin:

Sunburn is dehydrating and challenging for your body. To protect yourself, do your best to avoid direct sun exposure for prolonged periods of time. Park your towel or your chair in some available shade whenever possible. When you’re going to be in the sun, make sure you’re wearing sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Sunscreen is not a one-and-done activity. Be sure to follow reapplication directions on the bottle. Also, dermatologists recommend that you use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 for the best sun protection.   

Snack on Hydration:

Skip the salty pretzels and crispy chips this season in favor of hydrating fruits and veggies. Foods that are high in hydration make it easy to maintain good hydration for the duration of the day. If you’re headed to the beach or the barbecue, make sure you’re protecting these foods from spoiling in the summer sun by packing them in a cooler. You can also freeze (some) reusable water bottles and use them as solid ice packs that melt into added hydration for after eating.  

More Than Just Water:

As we mentioned earlier, when your body sweats you lose more than just water. Sweat contains electrolytes, such as the minerals sodium and potassium, and water alone will not replenish them. For sustained muscle function it is crucial that you replace these vital components. Nuun Sport is designed for this specific purpose: to replace what is lost when you sweat*. With 15 calories and 1g of sugar it’s an ideal electrolyte product for your active lifestyle this summer. And with tons of fun fizzy flavors you’re sure to find a favorite. 

Now for some fun hydrating recipes…

The Ultimate Rehydrating (Or Pre-Hydrating!) Smoothie:


  • Nuun Sport (We like Strawberry Lemonade, Citrus Fruit, Orange, and Lemon Lime flavors for this recipe)
  • 6 large Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 2 slices Watermelon
  • 1 fresh Peach or 2/3 cup frozen peach slices
  • 4 Ice cubes (2 if you’re using frozen peaches or strawberries)  
  • Optional: Splash of soy, almond, coconut, or dairy milk for a touch of creaminess.


Dissolve Nuun Sport tablet in 10oz of water, then add dissolved Nuun and all other ingredients to blender and blend till smooth. If smoothie is too thick you can add more water, 2 tablespoons at a time, till it reaches desired consistency.

What’s Special about this Smoothie?

This smoothie combines the ultimate in hydrating ingredients for a delicious, easy to enjoy drink. Strawberries, peaches, and watermelon are all some of the most hydrating fruits one can consume, and the concentrated mix of Nuun Sport gives your body the electrolytes it has lost during sweat. Of course, like all smoothie recipes, it’s easy to make additions and substitutions. Some of our favorite add-ons are kale, blueberries, carrots (pre-shredded for easy blending), a scoop of yogurt, a peeled orange, or a generous splash of fruit juice.


The Ultra-Rehydrating Salad Mix

Salad Ingredients:

  • Iceberg Lettuce
  • 1 Stalk of Celery
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ Head of Cauliflower (or raw broccoli)  

Dressing Ingredients:

  • ¾ cup of olive oil
  • ¼ cup of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Optional Additions: Minced fresh herbs, grated clove of garlic, or minced shallot.


Make dressing first by combining all ingredients in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and shaking vigorously. Taste and then adjust with salt and pepper as needed. Set aside when you’re happy with the result.

Wash and dry all produce. Next, tear iceberg lettuce into large bite sized pieces with your hands (chopping lettuce with a knife saves time but causes the lettuce to brown prematurely). Chop celery, tomato, cucumber and cauliflower into similarly sized pieces. Put all veggies into a large bowl. Shake dressing jar vigorously before pouring contents in a circular motion over veggies. Use tongs or salad scoops to toss till veggies are evenly coated. Serve immediately and enjoy! 

What’s special about this salad?  

This salad combines the most hydrating vegetables with a light olive oil dressing for an easy to enjoy hydrating snack that’s high in fiber. Combine this with a tall glass of water and you’ve got your mid-day hydration covered!   

If you’re going to whip up one of these ultra-rehydrating recipes post a picture on your social channels and be sure to tag @NuunHydration or use #nuunlife so we can see your beautiful final results.

Happy Hydrating!     

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