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What Is the Immune System, Anyway?

Every day your immune system fights for you… are you fighting for your immune system?

The classic idea of an immune system booster is a nice glass of orange juice for vitamin C. But in reality, there’s so much more than vitamins for immune system health. The more you understand the complexities of your most powerful defense system, the more you can protect and nourish your immune health.

Imagine your immune system like a football team.

The thymus, lymph nodes, appendix, spleen, Peyer’s patches, and bone marrow act as the coaching staff on the sidelines. At their best, these produce the necessary items to fight infection and disease.

Microbes, antibacteria, lymphocytes, gastric acids, and the like are the players on the field. On a cellular level, these enact those defensive and offensive strategies to defeat the opposing team.

And what about you? You’re the powerful team owner, and you can help support your players and staff to be successful, or you can step aside and let it play out.’s a no-brainer! So let’s learn some new ways to boost your immune system.

Step 1: Hydration! What you should drink to boost your immune system

The first line of defense is critically important. Skin is the barrier protecting us from the big, scary world, as well as mucus membranes in the nose, mouth, throat, ears, and eyes.

These key players rely on healthy hydration to stay as effective as possible. At their best, they can help prevent or slow down the teeny, tiny microbes from ever becoming infections. An effective sneeze can launch the baddies away from the next line of defense, all thanks to those mucal membranes. 

When you think of healthy drinks to boost your immune system, there’s an even better idea than orange juice: Water! Staying hydrated helps keep mucus membranes ready to take on any invaders. And adding electrolytes to your water helps your body absorb water faster and more efficiently. Win-win!

Healthy hydration is especially important during fall and winter when our immune systems are working overtime. So while it’s easy to associate electrolytes with summer weather and breaking a sweat, remember that electrolytes are vitally important year-round, even in colder temperatures.

Step 2: Gut health and immune system support… What’s the gut got to do with it?

Maintaining a healthy balance in your body “is an enormous task, demanding discrimination between billions of beneficial microbes and rare, pathogenic invaders.”

Imagine your gut and intestines as a vast intelligence center where information about the good and bad microorganisms are discussed constantly. It’s like the CIA meets Page Six. Fellow beneficial bacteria fit right in without causing a ruckus. But when a virus waltzes in, the gut fights back.

Our immune response relies on these diverse microbial communities, and they are incredibly fragile. That’s why it’s important to support the gut biome with healthy eating habits. The better our gut health, the better our outcomes against big and small infections.

Here’s one simple way to support gut health: prebiotics! Prebiotics support probiotic function. By providing nourishment for beneficial intestinal bacteria, “prebiotics may participate in the inhibition of the development of pathogens.” 

Step 3: Nourishment! Finding the best vitamins for immune system support

Now let’s circle back to that glass of orange juice. Of all the drinks to boost immune system function, orange juice remains an icon because it’s known for its vitamin C. But vitamin C is just one of the essential nutrients we need for everyday well-being.

So what are the best vitamins for immune system support? In addition to vitamin C, vitamins A, B6, B12, D, and E have all been clinically studied for their positive benefits to overall wellness.

Your body needs vitamin-rich foods and drinks to boost immune system health, but getting all of your essentials each day is no easy task! In addition to nutritious foods, a vitamin supplement can be a smart way to boost your vitamin intake.

Which brings us to our final point…

Get the Power of 3: Hydration + prebiotics + vitamins

With this science in mind, we’ve brought all three of these immune-supporting strategies into one powerful drink. Meet Nuun Immunity3!

Here’s what’s inside each delicious sip:

  • Electrolytes: Through the power of hydration, Immunity3 delivers water and nutrients into your bloodstream — FAST.
  • Prebiotics: Prebiotics feed beneficial gut bacteria to promote overall health. 
  • Vitamins: A jam-backed blend of vitamins A, C, B12, D3, and E.

PLUS! A crafted blend of additional immune-supporting ingredients, like elderberry, selenium, and zinc. It’s our most supercharged immunity blend ever, and it’s designed to deliver super support, super fast.

Our newest innovation is available now, just in time for fall and winter. Grab yours today and get your immune system ready to rock >>> 



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