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Not Drinking Enough Water? How to Hydrate Fast

Drinking enough water throughout the day isn’t easy. Too often, you simply get caught up in whatever you’re doing — whether you’re working, socializing, or exercising — to remember to hydrate. But if you’re not drinking enough water to achieve optimal hydration, you likely won’t feel your best. 

Even a body water loss of just 1-2% can begin to impact your cognitive abilities — which means you may not be able to perform as well at work or be fully mentally present with your friends and family. And eventually, you could end up dealing with symptoms of dehydration, like dizziness, dry mouth, and fatigue. 

"Even a body water loss of just 1-2% can begin to impact your cognitive abilities." 

If you find yourself thirsty or on the brink of dehydration, you probably want to know how to rehydrate as fast as possible, before your dehydration gets worse.

Below, we’ll cover not only how to hydrate fast, but how to restore electrolytes fast — which is an essential factor in water absorption and hydration. We’ll also share some ways to help you take in more fluids overall, so that you can make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to keep you going.


How Long Does It Take to Rehydrate?

The speed of hydration depends on your starting level of dehydration. If you’re severely dehydrated, you will need to take in more fluids to rehydrate.

Mild Dehydration vs Severe Dehydration

Mild dehydration can turn into severe dehydration during extreme temperature exposure, in the case of illnesses that cause diarrhea or vomiting, certain medications, or simply not drinking enough water for an extended period of time.

But what about in the case of mild dehydration? 

One research study demonstrated that subjects who were mildly dehydrated could reach normal levels of hydration within 45 minutes by taking in 600 mL of water or a combination of salt and carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions (CES).

Symptoms of severe dehydration include:

  • Trouble concentrating or communicating
  • Disorientation or irritability
  • Not sweating
  • Not urinating
  • Poor skin turgor, or skin elasticity
  • Trouble keeping down fluids

In the case of severe dehydration, it is important that you contact your doctor.


How to Hydrate Fast

While intravenous therapy (IV) can be used in some situations to quickly treat dehydration, it’s not an everyday solution. IVs are often reserved for emergency treatment, as most people aren’t qualified to set up IV treatment on their own. 

The solution also isn’t to simply drink large amounts of water as quickly as you can. Drinking water alone can cause imbalances in your electrolyte levels, which can, in severe cases, lead to a serious condition called hyponatremia.

However, there are simple tips for how to hydrate fast at home. By taking in the right fluids in the correct way, you can speed up your rehydration.

1. Use a Hypotonic Solution 

Beverages can be classified as either hypotonic, isotonic or hypertonic depending on their concentration of dissolved particles such as carbohydrates and electrolytes. An electrolyte product that is hypotonic can speed up the hydration process. Hypotonic solutions contain a lower concentration of electrolytes and other dissolved particles than the body, which allows salts and fluids to be absorbed more quickly by the bloodstream. Overall, this can result in quicker rehydration and a faster recovery. Hypertonic solutions have higher concentrations than the fluids of the body, which can delay fluid absorption. 

After a workout, reach for a hypotonic solution like Nuun Sport in delicious flavors that help replenish electrolytes.

2. Improve water absorption by speeding up gastric emptying

When you hydrate, fluids must pass through your stomach and into your small intestine before they are absorbed by your bloodstream. Fluid movement from the stomach to the small intestine is called gastric emptying. You can speed up this process — and allow those fluids to get to your cells faster — with a couple of small adjustments to how you hydrate:

Adjust your volume

If you are unable to add electrolytes to your water for speedy absorption, there are ways to make sure your plain water is going to work for you. Rather than taking small sips of plain water throughout the day, it may be more beneficial to take in a larger volume at a time. Studies have shown that when people consumed 20 ounces of water at a time, that water moved through their systems faster than when they consumed 13.5 ounces — which moved faster than when they consumed seven ounces. Ultimately, the research found that a larger volume of water puts more pressure on your stomach, which speeds up gastric emptying.

It is important to note that while the ability to empty fluids is unique to each individual, 20 ounces of water seemed to be the upper limit as a greater ingestion of fluids did not move through the stomach any faster.

Consider Carbs

The amount of carbohydrates in your drink can also affect gastric emptying. Drinks with 6% carbohydrates or more, like juice or soda can linger in your stomach for a longer period of time, delaying gastric emptying. A lower-carb fluid can move through your stomach faster.

Ultimately, speed of hydration comes down to selecting the right drink and taking in a larger volume of fluids at a time to improve water absorption. With these tips in mind, you can keep your hydration at an optimal level.  


How to Stay Ahead of Your Hydration

Ideally, you won’t wait until you experience symptoms of dehydration to begin hydrating. But drinking enough to stay fully hydrated is easier said than done.

According to one survey, 77% of respondents said they did not consume enough water daily to meet their health needs.

How can you improve your chances of staying hydrated? Here are a few tips:

Make it taste good 

Many people say they don’t drink water because they simply don’t like how it tastes. In one survey, nearly one-quarter of respondents cited the taste of water as the reason for not drinking enough water at work. Today, that’s easily remedied. With products designed to enhance the flavor of your water as well as restore electrolytes, you can get the hydration you need and a tasty beverage. You can even use Nuun tablets to create delicious treats like smoothies and soft serve.

Alternate types of beverages  

When you’re at work or with friends, drinking water probably isn’t your first priority — coffee, tea, soda, or cocktails are much more common in these settings. About 41% of millennials say they are not drinking more water at work simply because they prefer to drink other beverages. While it’s fine to consume a variety of beverages, try adding in a glass of water or electrolyte enhanced drink in between each cup of coffee or tea you consume. (You can also find hydrating, electrolyte products that contain caffeine, like Nuun Sport + Caffeine Cherry Limeade, if you’re looking for an extra boost.)

Get high-tech

Today, there is a range of apps and water bottles that can help you track your hydration digitally. They can recommend how much water you need in a day, log how much you’ve had to drink so far, and send you notifications when it’s time to take a few sips. If you’re the type of person who simply forgets to drink because you’re busy or not thirsty, this type of technology can give you the reminders you need to stay on top of your hydration.


Hydrating fast is possible — but it’s about more than drinking as much water as you can. By choosing fluids with the right mix of electrolytes, you can speed up your rate of rehydration and start feeling your best.

Are you ready to hydrate fast?

Stay ahead of your hydration with Nuun Sport!

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