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6 Steps to Achieving Self-Improvement Goals

Happy Self-Improvement Month! Let’s have ourselves a check-in. How are things? What small steps can we make to change our minds, habits, and outlook for the better?

Some of us can delve right into a self-improvement kick by, basically, flipping a switch. Others need a little planning, some encouragement, a goal, or some kind of greater purpose. Whichever camp you’re in, you can 100% set yourself up for success.

So how do we get started?

  1. 1. Pick a goal. What do you want to focus on this month? Improve energy levels? Lower stress? Sleep better? Scroll down for some ideas below, but keep in mind that in order to succeed you want to set up an achievable goal. Breaking a world record? Writing a bestseller? Pure happiness and bliss? While those are admirable goals to aim for, they’re definitely more long-term and will require the smaller, day-to-day self-improvement habits like we’re focusing on here.
  2. 2. Start small! Say you want to join a 5k race in the next month. Unless you’re already accustomed to that distance, you should build a training plan that will help you arrive on race day, ready to go. After you achieve that goal, you can then prepare for a 10k, half marathon, or even a marathon further down the line. But first, you need to start where you are right now and build on top of that foundation. Start small and ease into the larger goals as you grow.
  3. 3. Keep track of your self-improvement progress. Diary? Calendar? Agenda? White board? Back of an unopened junk mail envelope? Finding a space to schedule and track your progress can help remind you that every day is a step forward. It’s okay if it’s in multiple places, too. You can hop from paper to your phone calendar to a notes app. You can even set daily alarms and reminders to kick those goals into gear. There are no rules when it comes to staying consistent, except to stay consistent.
  4. 4. Tell someone about it! Let a friend or colleague know that you’re setting a positive self-improvement goal this month. It’s great to have somebody who can cheer you on, or someone to talk to if today’s training was just so dang tough. Somebody once said, “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.” But the quote fails to say that this room is full of all of us. And we’re all looking to encourage each other along the way.
  5. 5. Join a group. Partnering up or joining a group will encourage you to stay on track and accountable. Finding a social media group, an online forum, or a meetup in person takes pressure off and can be a great way to stay social and on task.
  6. 6. Enjoy it. Have a ton of fun. Once you get going and start achieving these exciting things for yourself, you’ll be glad you got started. And don’t compare yourself to others! That can take the joy out of your journey. Plus, you’re spending your time, not theirs. Go for it and we’ll be cheering for you on the sidelines.

Ready? Let’s do it!

    • Person meditating
      Meditate. Your mind needs a rest too.
    • Do a jigsaw or word puzzle once a day.
    • Take time away from your phone.
    • Stay hydrated! Set reminders on your phone to avoid any dehydration headaches.
    • Schedule a self-date once a week to truly treat yourself.
    • Take a daily 30-minute walk to break up your day and get some fresh air.
    • Sign up and train for a race!
    • Find a new exercise route in a different part of town.
    • Keep a short journal. Write how you’re feeling once every day using a word or a sentence. If you write more than that, AMAZING.

Stay in it for the long haul

As you get started, give yourself some slack. If you’re trying to meditate for half an hour every day and you miss a day, forgive yourself and get back to it. Recognize where you are, how you’re feeling, and brush off your shoulders. No biggie.

And if you’ve noticed the progress you’re making has given you a new template to live by, take it and travel with it. Getting started is often the hardest part, and once you prove to yourself that you can set and attain goals, nothing can stop you from keeping that momentum.

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