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Bike Commute Safety Tips

It’s no secret that Nuun employees love to get out and get moving every chance they get. For many of us that means waking up early and biking into work. To inspire more human-powered commutes and encourage everyone to ride safely on their bikes, our CEO Kevin Rutherford put together a bike commuting guide for the Nuun office. We’ve benefitted from his guide so much that we wanted to share some of it with you!


Bike Commuting Facts:

  • There are 553 protected bike lanes in the US and Canada
  • There are over 875,000 bike commuters in the US
  • The average bike commute is just over 19 minutes
  • The average Nuun employee pike commute distance is 5.1 miles

Bike Safety Tips:

Our NUMBER ONE bike safety tip is to know and use hand signals to tell other bikers and drivers your intentions while riding. Here’s a handy visual refresher:


In addition to using your hand signals, keep in mind the following:

The weather can change dramatically between your morning and afternoon ride. Be sure to have the clothing you need to make it home safe, warm, and dry. A raincoat and hat are essential. Gloves are great in colder climates.

Accidents happen. Be sure to carry a first aid kit and a basic bike repair kit. If you’re not comfortable with basic bike maintenance, look up local bike shops in your area and see if they offer a quick class for beginners. You might not ever need to use what you learn, but if you find yourself in a tough spot, you’ll be glad to have the skills and tools to remedy the situation.

Stay visible! As the days get shorter and shorter it’s especially important to use bike lights and reflectors. Consider buying a high visibility vest, especially if your clothing is dark, to make yourself more visible to drivers.

Those are our top tips for bike commuting safety. What are your favorite tips for your rides? Share in the comments below!

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